@Tomz, First of all there is no rule to DQ them if they get lost connection,
http://ctf.vc-mp.net/index.php?topic=352.02nd: its a rule of the game ... When its a tournament or clanwar and a player gets disconnected (without any acceptable reason), and doesn't return in 10 mins is considered disqualified ....
This is not an acceptable reason?
<&cCow> ** [7] OmegA has left the server. (Lost Connection)
<&iCow> ** [2] =DanisH= has left the server. (Lost Connection)
<&aCow> ** [6] Raid3n^ has left the server. (Lost Connection)
<&cCow> ** [13] QarZ has left the server. (Lost Connection)
<&iCow> ** [11] Naveed has left the server. (Lost Connection)
<&aCow> ** [12] Ayan^ has left the server. (Lost Connection)
<&aCow> ** [4] [TZ]KakaroT:
electricity outageIf you are interested to discuss more , we can do this in case you people agree to RESTART THE MATCH ... Or else you know your destiny
What is the reason to reset the match? It's the same when the server goes down, the game continues with the same score they had and minutes, In this case 136 - 34 and 8:30 mins.
<&cCow> -> Guest ToMZ: i think theer is not any pausing rule and game continue rule
yeah, you're right. there are none of those rules but what would be the proper way here?
"It's the same when the server goes down, the game continues with the same score they had and minutes, In this case 136 - 34 and 8:30 mins."
and the biggest problem here was not the "Electricity outage",
minutes later they returned and I told kelvin:
<&cCow> **
- [SS]Eddy: I gotta go in a while, you'll handle it, ok?
<&iCow> ** [5] MK.Kelvin: k
I don't know what happened with kelvin, maybe he had to go like me,
the problem here is that no one could continue hosting the match, there was no admins onlineAbout the ping, both teams had problems with ping, if they will continue or restart the match it would be appropriate to fix the server of pakistan and the right way here would be continue not restart.
anyways I would like to see the managers posting here