Author Topic: CTF 5.0 Public beta test  (Read 57813 times)

Offline NewK #15 on: August 17, 2016, 12:07:16 am

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Can you please make the messages of stealing flags, droppin g flags, and recovering as it is not much visible like in 4.0. Maybe a low font announcement on the lower right like when we got the flag message.
I might change it in the future to something more noticeable, but for now that's low priority.

  • fixed a bug that caused the packs window to show up when logging in or registering a new account
  • added ping limit kicker
  • added "ratio" to /roundstats
  • added multiple IRC staff commands to manage clanwars
  • added /spanwpassword cmd to use when a spawnpassword is set
  • added 3D scoreboards that will show the top 10 players (sorted by points) from each team when a round ends. These can be seen outside malibu at the entrance
  • optimized the arenas list staff window, it should open faster now, and the game no longer freezes for a second when opening the window
« Last Edit: August 22, 2016, 08:49:21 am by NewK »

Offline NewK #16 on: August 22, 2016, 08:47:41 am

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  • fixed blue team players not showing on 3D scoreboards when joining a round in progress
  • fixed round not ending when all players from a team left the server
  • fixed some rare crashes that happened when capturing the flag while the round was ending
  • fixed a bug in the banning system that was kicking players wrongfully

Offline NewK #17 on: September 05, 2016, 04:07:08 am

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  • fixed a bug with the /ipalias command
  • fixed a bug with the /uidalias command
  • added /switchedctf <arenaName> to start a round with the team sides switched
  • added option to duplicate objects when using the ingame arena builder

Offline NewK #18 on: September 26, 2016, 03:20:42 am

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  • Added /report command and /reports for staff members
  • Fixed a bug with the ingame arena editor that prevented the editor window to open after pressing the "save arena" button
  • Fixed a bug with the ingame arena editor that prevented any object to be updated after pressing the "save arena" button
  • Fixed a bug with ingame arena editor that caused the arena to unload if the user tried to press "edit" on the arena that was already loaded
  • Added option to rotate objects by euler to the ingame arena editor

Offline jN. #19 on: September 29, 2016, 01:08:40 am

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Offline MD619 #20 on: December 19, 2016, 06:16:57 am

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Thanks Man .
Now we can play without lag ;) its awesome .

Offline raiden #21 on: December 20, 2016, 01:49:24 pm

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Good job guys keep it up ;)

                                  Bart's Work

Offline NewK #22 on: January 11, 2017, 09:26:05 pm

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Seeing as the current server IP is not announcing to the masterlist and I at the moment I don't have the time to look into it, the server IP has been changed to

Offline NewK #23 on: July 11, 2017, 04:04:07 am

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  • [IMPROVEMENT] Autostart will now automatically be enabled if all staff members leave the server
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Removed wanted stars from the HUD, some other info might be displayed there in the future, although it's currently not decided what exactly
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Added IRC and ingame message showing link to the round stats report after the round is over
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed bug that teleported players with a high ping to the lobby/malibu after spawning while the round was in progress
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed bug that caused users who's bans had expired not to login properly
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed bug on the ingame arena editor that caused saves on a duplicated object to fail
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed wrong 3D rotation, size and position values for the 3D scoreboards shown at the entrace of malibu
  • [NEW] Added command to remove weapon from pack: /rwep <pack> <wepName> this command can only be used before the round starts, while on the lobby
  • [NEW] Added command to reset pack: /resetpack <pack> this command will put back all the weapons that were removed from the specified pack. Can only be used before the round starts, while on the lobby

About the flag/barrels teleporting players to another location, I haven't been able to reproduce this issue ever again after restarting the server. I suspect it was a caused by a library the script was using that was managing threads in a way that the VCMP server did not like. I chose to remove said library and replace all the code that was being handled by it, with a more standard implementation. Do let me know though if this issue happens ever again.

Offline krystianoo #24 on: July 11, 2017, 09:45:56 am

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Starting a round with /switchedctf still appears to be rather problematic.

A North Mall round was started using it and our blue team was on the Vinyl CDs side (not the GASH side), and after the countdown ended I was teleported to the same spot as a red member.

Edit: Also, either the command doesn't work sometimes because on start we were sometimes at GASH and sometimes at Vinyl CDs or the admins used the wrong command. I think it's the first case though.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2017, 01:19:29 pm by krystianoo »
<iCow> >> [MK]Halchter was banned from the server, Reason:  0 in tribute to krys
<cCow> ** [8]  [MK]Halchter has left the server. (Kicked)

Offline ZUBI #25 on: July 11, 2017, 10:30:02 am

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Newk about barrel problem i will test it tonight to find out the exact point behind the teleport bug.
Credits : Berkley/Gohan

Offline aXXo #26 on: July 11, 2017, 09:01:34 pm

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I've faced the pickup problem in Squirrel plugin. It is hard to reproduce.
What happens is, when the script creates, removes, recreates pickups frequently their IDs get mixed up internally.

So, when you compare the pickup ID before deciding what to do with the picked event, you are dealt with a wrong ID, which produces a wrong behavior. Sometimes the flag could act like a barrel, teleport or vice versa.

Workaround: Generate a unique ID for the pickup when it is created. On all pickup events, use that unique ID instead of internal pickup IDs.

or, compare pickup's Model instead of it's ID. Since the red/blue flag's model is unique, it would work. However, the problem will persist in case of barrels or teleport pickups.

Offline krystianoo #27 on: July 11, 2017, 10:09:19 pm

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I think the barrels are actually different from each other on 5.0
<iCow> >> [MK]Halchter was banned from the server, Reason:  0 in tribute to krys
<cCow> ** [8]  [MK]Halchter has left the server. (Kicked)

Offline NewK #28 on: July 12, 2017, 12:40:21 am

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I've faced the pickup problem in Squirrel plugin. It is hard to reproduce.
What happens is, when the script creates, removes, recreates pickups frequently their IDs get mixed up internally.

So, when you compare the pickup ID before deciding what to do with the picked event, you are dealt with a wrong ID, which produces a wrong behavior. Sometimes the flag could act like a barrel, teleport or vice versa.

Workaround: Generate a unique ID for the pickup when it is created. On all pickup events, use that unique ID instead of internal pickup IDs.

or, compare pickup's Model instead of it's ID. Since the red/blue flag's model is unique, it would work. However, the problem will persist in case of barrels or teleport pickups.
Interesting! If this bug also happens in the Squirrel plugin then that would mean that it's not a bug in the squirrel or the java plugin but in the server itself.

I'm actually already generating a unique "label" string for each pickup and using it to better identify them in several places on the script. For instance, the blue flag pickup has a "blueFlag" label attached to it and the red flag has a "redFlag" label attached  to it, while the barrels also have the "redBarrel" label and the "blueBarrel" label aswell. Portals just have portal1, portal2, portal3, etc...but the onPickupPicked event is the only place on the script that was still comparing the pickup id instead of that label that's attached, so your theory makes sense to me.

I suspect this issue was also amplified as I found out that the library I was using for interthread messaging was messing up some of the VCMP server event callbacks by calling some events multiple times even though the event was only called once. For instance, during the private alpha tests I found out that when I used this library on the OnPlayerKill event, the event would get called 2 or 3 times per kill. Back then I removed that code from the OnPlayerKill event and that fixed the issue, but before last night's update there was still some code left from that library on some events like the OnPickupPicked event, but now with that library completely removed, I doubt we'll have similar problems.

I'll be replacing the line that's comparing the pickup id's with the one that compares the pickup labels instead. Thanks for the heads up, I'll be releasing an update soon.

Starting a round with /switchedctf still appears to be rather problematic.

A North Mall round was started using it and our blue team was on the Vinyl CDs side (not the GASH side), and after the countdown ended I was teleported to the same spot as a red member.
I'm looking into this one. By countdown you mean the loading bar when players are choosing the weps right? Also, are you completely sure that you were teleported to a red team spawnpoint and not to a different blue spawnpoint? Because I've noticed this one happening sometimes.

« Last Edit: July 12, 2017, 03:28:06 am by NewK »

Offline Zeeshan.Bhatti #29 on: July 12, 2017, 04:36:27 am

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Nice improvements. :)
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