1. Specify the base name we will look into that.
2. Ask any admin in-game or Discord, they will help you inspect the bases.
2.1. Will discuss with staff.
3. Read Tournament structure for more info.
4. Currently there's no Jitter system in CTF.
5. Health gained is random.
6. Making a spree gives you 5 bonus points (10 in total), no you are not trading. If someone is making a spree indicates that the player is skilled thus makes more sense to reward the ones who kill it "bounty hunter". Furthermore, you can look at it from a different perspective such as encouraging competitiveness, and teamwork from both sides. Prevents a single player from dominating solely through streaks.
1. Will let you know.
2. So, its dependent upon the mutual availability of the team and staff if we need to inspect bases? And since most (active) staff members are participants as well, doesn't that potentially risk strategies? Not to mention there are 54 bases in total.
3. I'm saying, next time you go on handing invites, maybe mention it clearly that matches are going to be 2.5-3x longer than necessary and you'll have to deal with lesser participants.
I just fail to understand why matches need to be this long when there could've been 3-4 maps per match? 3 being optimal since no match will ever end in a draw that way, but I understand that can feel a little short - so if 6 being even already works, why not 4? And why do you need 10 minutes break after every base? Maybe an event manager could answer this better?
4. Embarrassing. Anyway, works with my team as long as you don't pull out this autism:
5. Okay.
6. I failed to assume that if you could see it, maybe it wouldn't have been put up on the rules in the first place, but your reasoning makes even less sense. I feel stupid to even have to explain this, explain-to-me-like-m-a-5-yo version:
Let's say there are two teams Red and Blue with 10 points each. Player A belongs to red and is on a 4 player kill streak already. Player B belongs to blue.
Now, A kills B, Red gains 6 points (+1 kill, +5 streak). Score is 16-10.
Then, B kills A. Blue also gains 6 points (+1 kill, +5 streak ended). Score is 16-16.
Assume there were no bonus points, the score would have been 11-11.
The streak was traded to settle the score, and every 5 player streak will inevitably always be traded unless it is a 10+ spree or the time ends.
The spree bonus holds no significance to the team score, it only adds more points to the 2 "skilled" players who were merely involved in the process.
Now, as per as your reasoning - You say it prevents a single player from dominating through streaks, which is true for 5 player streaks. But any higher streaks (10, 15, ...) will result into +5 for a single team, unless that's what you mean by teamwork and competitiveness? Because I don't see how else this promotes that.
If it prevents individuals to dominate, it should be either with all streaks regardless of how much or none.