Current nickname:=RK=Bninin
Previous nicknames:
What is your timezone? gmt + 3
How old are you?20
Do you use IRC? yes
Are you banned or have you ever been banned on any of the official servers? no
What is your past experience administering a server? back in the past (2008-2013) i used to be admin in a few known servers as The rompage killer (when it was at its top) SvM (the same) and a few others not that known as the others i stated before
i also used to be admin in almost all vcmp known events back in the past such as vcdc vice war 1 and vcct
im currently xe mod and was part of latest vicewars staff
How long have you been playing vcmp? since may 2008
What languages can you speak fluently? spanish and english and french and arabic
Why do you want to join the staff team? well to be honest this is my fav server atm out of all vcmp servers, im always trying to get ppl here to have some fun capturing some flags (unas banderas as i call it) i also use to join the server when its empty hoping for other ppl to join as well,
so yeah id like to be admin/mod on this server i think i have an extent admin reputation (not on 0.4 yet tho) and id do my best to keep the server as it is, great.