Current nickname: =TRC=ZUBI
Previous nicknames: =ZUBI=
What is your timezone? GMT +5
How old are you? 24
Do you use IRC? Yes, ZUBI
Are you banned or have you ever been banned on any of the official servers? Not yet
What is your past experience administering a server?
Vice City Cops & Robbers (Level 6)
EC Management (Level 5)
Vice War V: The Escobar Escapade (Admin)
EC championship 2015 Referee
LGS moderator (Level 3)
Vice City Death Match VCDM (Manager)
How long have you been playing vcmp? Since 2010
What languages can you speak fluently? English, Urdu
Why do you want to join the staff team? My main core of joining the CTF staff to arrange matches for my city side players and will make the server active as well as prevent the server from rule breakers and Hackers. Fell free to ask any question