Current nickname: MKs.Bhai
Previous nicknames: F3aR, Jatt[Z], DeserT_HawK and Mr.lazY.
What is your timezone? +5:00.
How old are you? 14 (Will be 15 on 19 November)
Do you use IRC? Ye.
Are you banned or have you ever been banned on any of the official servers? Nope.
What is your past experience administering a server? Moderator at LW.
How long have you been playing vcmp? Since 7-11-2012 (Date-Month-Year) about 2 Years and few months
What languages can you speak fluently? English and Urdu.
Why do you want to join the staff team? I want to make the game play fair for everyone. It'll be great if I be in the list of CTF's staff list.