Current nickname: [DnA]Milko/Pivo
Previous nicknames: [VU(_T, _R)]Cheech/Machete, milko_the_ace, TBS.Milko
What is your timezone? GMT + 01:00
How old are you? 18
Do you use IRC? Yes.
Are you banned or have you ever been banned on any of the official servers? I have been banned once or twice on XE, because I was breaking a rule I didn't know of.
What is your past experience administering a server? I was the manager of the original VCCNR, a VCSDM head admin, an EA admin, a VCAW admin and a UA admin. I'm currently a Sky-City manager, a LW admin and an admin of the upcoming EA server.
How long have you been playing vcmp? Since 18th December, 2012 (2.5 years).
What languages can you speak fluently? Serbian, English, Slovenian, Italian and Spanish(not perfect, but fluent enough to communicate with a player that speaks this language).
Why do you want to join the staff team? To be honest, I wanna be one mostly because my friends are. Seeing how this server is becoming popular makes me wanna play too. I don't expect you to believe the following, but I am ready to do the job with no problems.