Author Topic: Nilz' temporary departure  (Read 8490 times)

Offline Nilz on: July 01, 2018, 08:57:59 am

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I have made this topic in order to inform Capture The Flag's community that, due to the current policy of the server, I am going to receive a self-punishment during the next five months since I recently failed to follow a rule of Littlewhitey's server and got temporarily banned from there. My purpose is to be as fair as possible to this community and show that any conditions, rules and punishments work exactly in the same way to everyone, no matter if it is a normal player, an administrator, a manager or a developer. We have banned people here who were caught using certain ASI files (the ones who provide an advantage over players) on other servers, therefore I am going to execute exactly the same process and conditions to myself.

I am going to temporarily ban myself from CTF server for five months: that's the duration other players have received for it as well. I am going to be completely away from any affair related to the server during that period, this includes, that I will revoke my staff position until the ban expires. After that period, I will return to the community and join the developer's team again.

Astaroth is going to be temporarily banned for five months too, as he is in the same situation. Our ban is going to start on July 2nd and will expire on December 2nd.

Capture The Flag's staff team has the intention of being fair and treating everybody equally. We are convinced that, by performing these actions, we are going to be able to maintain the reputation we have built throughout the last years.

Thanks for your attention,
- Nilz
« Last Edit: July 01, 2018, 09:06:10 am by Nilz »