Author Topic: Rules and Regulations  (Read 6661 times)

Offline Eddy on: October 05, 2015, 08:04:00 pm

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-=Capture The Flag: Team Tournament Rules=-

The following is not allowed in the server:

  • Trainers/Hacks/Third party tools (Any program that provides you advantages over other players.)
  • Sliding
  • Death Evading (This includes typing /q, pausing or crashing intentionally while fighting to avoid being killed.)
  • Command Abusing (Example: Typing /kill while fighting to avoid the server to recognize the killer who really murdered you.)
  • Stats Padding (Letting a player kill you to obtain benefits, or viceversa.)
  • Unlawful modifications (Modifications that give you special advantages.)
  • Spamming/Flooding (Repeating the same words/phrases over and over.)
  • Advertising (Persuading a player to join another server.)
  • Impersonating (Joining the server with other people's nicknames (unless those nicknames are common person names, in that case this is only appliable for clan members impersonating).)
  • Leaking accounts' information.
  • Pause the game while capturing a flag
[Banned for the match]
  • Rocket Glitch (Fast-Switching by RocketLauncher is disallowed. You may only stand still and begin throwing rockets.)
  • Capturing the flag and avoid dropping it on barrel intentionally (attempting to make a team lose)
  • Joining a team and typing /kill repeatedly in order to make a team lose points on purpose.
  • Using macros/keybindings to change weapon packs. (Binding the !changepack <1/2/3/4/5/6> command to a 3rd party macros software)
  • Aiming in first person. (Using your mouse's right click to aim in first person view)

Failure to follow the rules will result in a kick from the server and in a few cases a ban or even permanent ban.

In addition to the traditional server rules the following will also not be allowed in the event:

  • Losing on purpose (Losing a match/round on purpose in order to "help" a specific team, doing this will get you disqualified from the event and banned from future events on the server)
  • Helping a specific player or team by using the spectator mode and leaking their opponents' location on the map ( Doing this will get you banned from the server)
  • Rejoining the server to change weapon pack ( Doing this will get you disqualified from the event and you will not be able to play for the rest of the event)
« Last Edit: October 14, 2015, 04:55:44 am by NewK »

Offline NewK #1 on: November 01, 2015, 05:05:19 pm

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In addition to the rules posted above, 2 new rules have been added:

  • Purposely making your ping higher (doing this will get you disqualified from the tournament and possibly banned from future events on the server)
  • Purposely making your FPS lower  (doing this will get you disqualified from the tournament and possibly banned from future events on the server)