Author Topic: Tournament Information  (Read 3539 times)

Offline Eddy on: September 23, 2015, 11:59:27 pm

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Match format: 5x5
Match rounds: 6
Round lenght: 15 minutes
Ping limit: 350 ms
FPS limit: higher than 20fps
Friendly fire: OFF
Wallglitch: ON

A team's score is a sum of the scores of its players.
Players get:
+1 point for each kill
+5 points for each 5 kill-streak
+15 points for each captured flag
-1 point for each death

Each team picks 3 arenas and the prefered side.
Teams cannot choose an arena that they already chose in a previous match.
Each map is played once.
If both teams pick same arena, the arena is played twice.

Arenas and sides are specified in advance before the match.
Maps are played in following order: Red team's map first, Blue team's map second, etc.
Every team put it's maps order.

For each kill, players get healed.

Teams can rotate its line-up via player replacement any time they want (during the round or between the rounds), but the total number of players must not exceed 5.

Round doesn't start until both teams have 5 players spawned and ready to play. Waiting time for missing players between the rounds won't be allowed to exceed 10 minutes.
If a player gets kicked, times-out or leaves the server without any reason during the round, the round doesn't stop, and the player has to come back as soon as possible. Teams are allowed to replace a missing player.
If, for some reason, the server crashes during a round, players reconnect and round will be resumed with same scores and the same time that was left for the round to finish.

The format of the tournament will be announced after the team applications are closed and will depend on the number of teams.

All matches must have a staff member present who will later report the result of the match on the forums. Look for staff members on the #MK.CTF IRC channel on LUnet and ask them to come spectate the match.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2015, 04:29:45 am by NewK »