Time and Date that you were banned: between 1 or 2 weeks more or less
Suspected Reason (if any):The first time they banned me was because I used cheat-engine on the AC City server because the server detected me using speed hacks and then for evading ban but I only connected with another account thinking that I was not going to be able to play and they gave me a ban again for ban-evade.
IP Address:
Admin that banned you (if known):=TLA=Genichiro
Extra note:First of all I never used hacks as most people think, if I was curious and then I used the cheat engine and if I knew that the server was going to detect me, it was just out of curiosity I never thought that this would go so far now people think that I use hacks only for how to play and is that I don't know how to play like most, I play very different from everyone because I don't know how to bend down to shoot and people think that I use speed hacks or moods and the truth is I regret having used cheat-engine I know what I did was wrong but I In no other server after that I used it again. I only know how to play the way I play and I can show them, I just learned to play better and the skill with which I play is very good for me.
Then I connected with another account knowing that they were going to recognize me by my way of playing and Genichiro arrived and gave me ban-evade... the truth is I am very sorry for my actions