Hello Fraily,
I'd like to highlight a few things about that base on air. CTF makes use of streamed objects which loads on onPlayerSpawn event. This means the objects are loaded right after the player spawns and that it sometimes causes player to pass through the object because of it's collision/ object model not being loaded properly due to the slight delay, but for one with a good computer, it works just fine. Besides, I noticed some holes which made you fall outside of the map- to be fixed or i might consider removing the base. There are a few other bases where there's loopholes with fence work and stuff but that doesn't mean the base itself is bugy or should be skipped on player requests.
If I were at your place, I'd have opened a base suggestion topic to modify/ remove the base instead of framing and making it look like more of some admin report topic. Whereas for team balancer, Newk has clearly adviced not to toggle it on/off after the recent fixes he has made. We checked team balancer and it worked just fine but I have no idea how did it get glitched as in the screenshots you provided anyways, I will see to it again and try reproducing bugs if there's any. Though I wonder how does this team balancer thingy concerns Halchter since it has to do with scripts
As far as I recall, we don't have any /changeteam or /forcechangeteam command.
Berkay Khan
Well here we go, the first thing is (What is the duty of administrators when players are experiencing problems, in this case the server or the map does not allow them to enjoy the game?), My problem is not the maps, that is not true I'm interested, my only problem is that the current administrator bone haltcher is not someone dedicated to helping players, in case you still don't understand (THE PROBLEM HERE IS THAT HALCHTER DOES NOT HELP PLAYERS FEEL MORE COMFORTABLE, IT DOES NOT HELP THAT THE SERVER GOES IN ITS CORRECT FUNCTIONING, IF IT WERE ANOTHER ADMINISTRATOR, AT LEAST IT WOULD RESPOND TO THE USERS WITH SOME ANSWER AND CALM THEM, BUT NOO HALCHTER DOES ALL THE OPPOSITE, IGNORING THE PLAYERS AND IN SUCH CASE THEY MAY SEE EEDAL TEAM LOST IN THE VIDEO THE SCOREBOARD WAS 71-1 IN FAVOR OF THE HALCHTER TEAM). Anyway, there is no reason this time to seek justifications and defend halchter because there is not, the only option here would be to remove him from the management team as I said before, since it is clear that not only me but rather several players already have problems with the lack of responsibility of said administrator is "HALCHTER".
I would also like to ask that in this case @Newk take matters into his own hands since he apparently understands the problems and does not seek justifications to defend anyone.