Author Topic: REPLY BAN APPEAL AGAINST PSYCHOTIC ****  (Read 4974 times)

Offline herqules on: November 09, 2017, 08:04:04 pm

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It does not matter how long ban ( 48H , 7 days , 1 months ?.) not important
Now you are talking about respect hmm , how much time you insult me and moroccan ppl  If we want to count it , We'll find thousands of times , i didn?t give it any attention and  didn?t report you because i considered you a mature person but unfortunately it was the opposite especially since i saw your picture confirmed that you are PSYCHOTIC PLAYER  and now my words considered it as insult . i knew i was touch your feelings especially yesterday But I didn?t know you were coming down to this level as a kids you show your power through (kick or ban )
Unfortunately, you doesn?t live up to the level of Admins&Managers unlike other managers there is a big difference between you and them .

As for respect , you will never get my respect and will not dream of it .

[video removed] Don't post personal pictures without the owner's permission -NewK

« Last Edit: November 10, 2017, 01:22:46 am by NewK »

jUan_ #1 on: November 09, 2017, 09:01:06 pm

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you are so retarded that you rated one of those facebook pics ,i think you did it by accident and immediately removed it 

lol so i got access to your facebook and honestly you should look at yourself in the mirror before trying to troll someone ( like other guys)

second its you making fun of spanish speaking ppl, you have stopped since i started to kick you, the same goes for other servers, are we crazy ? why do you even plain on insulting someone cos of his/her race when you are from morocco? i could never understand it lol

im not gonna go low to your level and wont show your pics i got better things to do, seems like im so important for you ( and many others) im proud and glad you guys think a lot about me and struggling your heads so much seeking 4 year old pics about me

i didnt kick you for what you were saying, you are an ignorant retarded prick that takes 2 mins to make a single
sentence, you like tondisrespect other ppl and other races in general when you are from morocco, i kicked you several times for that i also gave you 4 advices to stop with your shit and you didnt listen i kicked you you came back and kept with your shit so you get banned and you will keep getting banned until you learn man, i know it pisses you off a lot getting banned so you start acting like a peasant and end up being permabanned like you are on lw, i recommend you stop being a peasant so you wont get banned and wont get pissed off and in end permabanned
« Last Edit: November 09, 2017, 09:20:23 pm by jUan_ »

Offline herqules #2 on: November 09, 2017, 10:05:58 pm

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it is not your ban that made me post in ban appel section , it was possible to ignore it just wanted to discover your mentality Because you are a whimsical  ,  anyone who sees your picture is puzzling .

are u sure u got acess to my account !!! (nice joke )  you tried to lie but you failed nice try .
im share your pic bcz your so funny like a clown this is why .

why i got permanent-ban just bcz i share your pics , ohh that very bad I'm going to commit suicide , plz don?t ban me or i bombing myself .

you know why i do these things because you deserve it , bcz stupid people like you make me do it that all , don?t worry also  there is a movie about you i will make you famous ,  this is free of charge without any dollar.

anyway I don?t have much time to loss with you bcz I know you are unemployed and you have time for such things.

jUan_ #3 on: November 09, 2017, 10:11:27 pm

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for not having time you are taking so much dedication to it(implying you need 2 mins to make a sentence, imagine these posts xD,) looks like you have a lot of free time ben said, i could do the same with your pics "said"  but its not worth it,

let the higher ranks talk as you have requested
« Last Edit: November 09, 2017, 10:15:34 pm by jUan_ »

Offline NewK #4 on: November 10, 2017, 01:24:07 am

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Seeing as this is evolving into a flame war, I'm going to lock the topic. If you both still wish to keep fighting, do it though PMs/IRC.