Current nickname: MKt.Coudy
Previous nicknames: [NYB]Coudy VK.Coudy and many mores.
What is your timezone? +5:00GMT
How old are you? 17
Do you use IRC? Some Times.
Are you banned or have you ever been banned on any of the official servers? NO. Yes i was banned before in A/D and at that time that server was official but now its not Official.
What is your past experience administering a server? HP (Harry Potter) (Level 9 Manage) -- Closed
UDM (Ultra Death Match Server) (Level 10 Head Manager) -- Closed
and i don't remember others
How long have you been playing vcmp? 4/5 Years.
What languages can you speak fluently? English, Hindi.
Why do you want to join the staff team? To help CTF staff. and Protect server from Rule-Breakers.