Current nickname:[MKs]Dave* / [MKs]StraightFire
Previous nicknames:Dave^, [UF]Davies
What is your timezone?GMT +5:00 Pakistan
How old are you? 17
Do you use IRC?Yeah
Are you banned or have you ever been banned on any of the official servers?I got banned in LWs 2 time, 1) it was subnet ban, 2) i got banned for death evading about 1.5 years ago. And sometimes in Xe (subnet ban).
What is your past experience administering a server?I was Admin in 2 unofficial servers in 0.3 and head admin in extreme city 0.4 but server was closed about 2-3 months ago.
How long have you been playing vcmp? approximately 3 or 3.5 years
What languages can you speak fluently?English and urdu/hindi
Why do you want to join the staff team? I like the server and since it's getting more popular with unique sever script, and i'm active ingame, i'm not much active on irc but i'll be active on IRC in future. So it would be great experience for me to be in CTF staff.