IP: by: Sky-City HostingNumber of players slots: 100Scripts: [ CTF v6.0 ]IRC Server: irc.liberty-unleashed.co.ukIRC Server Echo Channel: #MK.CTF CTF Discord Server: CTF Discord ServerCTF Staff Members: CTF StaffCTF Scripts are made by NewK. Capture the Flag server intends to bring more diversity to VC:MP game modes. Introducing a different, simple yet striking game mode than the typical Deathmatch and Team-Deathmatch servers. The concept of Capture of the Flag is similar to other multiplayer FPS games over the past decade.
The game takes place between two teams (Reds and Blues), and the objective of both teams is to secure higher scores than their opponent to win the match. Players can declare their weapon pack at the start of the round, but they can also change it in the middle of a round. Scores can be acquired through killing other players or capturing the flags, the latter gives a much higher score than killing. Both of the teams will have
flags near their spawn positions on a map which they are supposed to defend from their opponents. Once a player captures a flag by consecutively standing on it for three seconds, they are supposed to drop it into the
barrel pickup, which will be nearby their respective spawn position.
Each round will be of 10 minutes. Once the time is up, the team with the highest scores wins the game. The server will automatically start a new map based on a poll voted by the players in the lobby.