Current nickname: [VU_T]Freak
Previous nicknames: Fr3aK, [DKr]Fr3aK and Sasuke_Uchiha
What is your timezone?: GMT +5
How old are you?: 14 years
Do you use IRC?: Yup, my nick is Freak.
Are you banned or have you ever been banned on any of the official servers?: No.
What is your past experience administering a server?
I'm admin of European City and Manager of Revolution Gaming Server.
How long have you been playing vcmp?: I've been playing vcmp since 2011 just took a break of 1.5 years and joined again in 2014.
What languages can you speak fluently?: English and Urdu
Why do you want to join the staff team?: I wanna help you guys to administrate the server, prevent it from rule breakers, to enforce the rules and keep the server away from hackers. I'll do my best.