Current nickname: Radeon
Previous nicknames: Nazz, Chenny, tomijaja, pickt0, Psychi,Waza, Stallin, etc.. etc..
What is your timezone?: GMT -2 ~ UTC -5
How old are you?: I'm 11 years old
Do you use IRC?: Yes i do
Are you banned or have you ever been banned on any of the official servers? Well i was banned many times in XE, not at all but by MaddoX xD but i made an unban application so now i'm unbanned.
What is your past experience administering a server?: Well currently i'm Manager and Scripter in a community called "VS" (Vice Streets), i was moderating Modern City RP + Jupiter Roleplay in SA:MP, i was Manager (lvl
in Killers Online, i was moderating a little server called 'La primera guerra' and GangCity Developer + Scripter. Fun City Administrator (known as old mega war).
How long have you been playing vcmp?: Two years, well not at all, i was kinda inactive in 2011 and i didn't play so much at that year, in 2012 i returned.
What languages can you speak fluently?: English & Spanish
Why do you want to join the staff team?: Basically the server looks cool, as many know i was kinda inactive but i'm back and i'd like to moderate this server by reporting players and being active, there are many staff members which have been my friends a lot of time, such as MaddoX and Nexus, and would be awesome work with them.
Well currently:
- I'm working on my reputation
- I improved my english and on my reputation too.