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Reports / Re: [SS]QarZ - CR
« Last post by Fortune on December 10, 2023, 07:08:29 pm »
Admin Reports / Re: [VU]Veteran
« Last post by NewK on November 30, 2023, 02:58:27 am »
Alright I think this has gone on long enough, it seems clear to me veteran's statement was related to the current russia-ukraine war, maybe it could have been worded better but I think its obvious that its not a blanket statement that applies to all russians, this was also confirmed by him above, so I dont really consider this as a racist remark.
News & Announcements / Re: CTF's Changelog
« Last post by NewK on November 30, 2023, 02:42:47 am »

  • /rwep and /resetpack can now be used while a round is in progress
  • Weapon packs for all players are now reset at the end of the round. This means at the end of the round, the server will change your weapon pack to the default pack. This is to prevent players from monopolizing certain limited packs for extended periods of time, which prevented other players from choosing them
  • Fixed a bug which happened under some occasions where the server allowed multiple people from the same team to take the RPG pack
Information & Discussion / CTF Team Tournament Champions!
« Last post by dekO^ on November 27, 2023, 01:31:29 pm »

We have a champion!
The Haram Alliance
has consecrated champion of this tournament, after a great final against Santa Monica's team.
Congratulations, to everyone from both teams!

Thanks to everyone who have participated of the tournament, hope to see you again soon!
Grand Finale / Re: Grand Finale - Santa Monica vs The Haram Alliance
« Last post by dekO^ on November 27, 2023, 01:27:35 pm »
Match: Santa Monica vs The Haram Alliance
Winner team: The Haram Alliance (THA)
Final Score: 3-1
Bases played:

First Round |Arena: Airport Area (Picked by Santa Monica)
Score: SM (62) - THA (75)

Second Round | Arena: Cabs vs Phil Place (Picked by The Haram Alliance)
Score: SM (51) - THA (142)

Third Round | Arena: Drugs vs Pizzers (Picked by Santa Monica)
Score: SM (80) - THA (77)

Fourth Round | Arena: 1102 Motel (Picked by The Haram Alliance)
Score: SM (66) - THA (112)

Staff Who Administrated the Match: iBEE, Pavonis, ZeeX.

Grand Finale / Grand Finale - Santa Monica vs The Haram Alliance
« Last post by Fortune on November 26, 2023, 12:21:35 pm »
Semi Finals / Re: Santa Monica vs Kashi Arena
« Last post by Fortune on November 21, 2023, 02:14:18 am »
Kashi Arena failed to organize the match before the deadline. Santa Monica advances to the final stage.
Semi Finals / Santa Monica vs Kashi Arena
« Last post by Fortune on November 21, 2023, 02:13:19 am »
Santa Monica vs Kashi Arena
Suggestions / Re: /rwep when the round is in progress
« Last post by Rift_Walk3R on November 14, 2023, 05:02:36 am »
The command already exists in CTF, I believe what leder is suggesting is to allow using it while a round is in progress. Sounds good to me. Since this affects the gamemode, I'll avoid making this change now while the tournament is in progress. I'll make the change after the tournament.

Sounds good. ;D
Reports / Re: [SS]QarZ - CR
« Last post by Rift_Walk3R on November 14, 2023, 05:01:18 am »
Apologies for the late reply. Was the reported player punished during this time since you made this report? If not then kindly let me know...
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