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Messages - MasterOz

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Applications / Re: The Haram Alliance
« on: August 02, 2023, 09:27:30 pm »
Name: TLA.MasterOz
Team: The Haram Alliance

The roster would be updated as per rules.

General Discussion / Re: Can a team tournament be organized in this era?
« on: August 02, 2023, 12:59:19 pm »

General Discussion / Re: Can a team tournament be organized in this era?
« on: August 01, 2023, 07:37:37 am »
I am confident we might get more than 4 teams for this tourney. Its a delight to see a positive response from across the community and from @Fortune, @Siezer and a surety of helping from @Ibee as well. I am up for a multi-clanwar in the future as well. Lets make this happen!

And Ibee, when clans actually fight wars then winning and losing is a part of the game. About the game-mode, it wasn't preferred by us that the match should be played there, but we still chose to go along unlike many others. Look, we don't know what would happen to us even after 5 mins, or even less, so making a claim regarding the future is not what you call smart. You simply never accurately know.

VC:MP isn't dead yet, we all hop in every time we get free and this tournament would show its capability that it can still pack a punch of fun and lively gameplay experience to the participants.

You can't quantify it for everyone. I bet you don't look at GBOYZ and other servers where new players continuously hop into. We are here because of nostalgia, and there would be more to come
as well.
Comparing VCMP to other modern well-equipped games is so smart of you. Maybe you are the one to decide the definition of fun for each individual.

Those laggers actually have gone through the same torture, but there was something that made them stick to the game. Theres a saying that never say no. You should be more open and get rid of that old-ass whine of lag which losers love to throw in every situation. You being a player with quite an experience in VCMP, although not as much skilled in combat as you should be, compromise by your social skills quite good. Make your current state to be put in good use and lets make a contribution in getting the word across for an actual CTF TT.

They can spectate for now, the key here is with the time it would take for them to actually grow understanding of such concepts. As you mentioned, most newbs are completely clueless what's happening, but curiosity would definitely pave some way for them once they get a gist of what actual matches feel like.

Newbies don't know how to change mouse sensitivity and how to buy car in LW. Competitive matches and tournaments is for newbies, really? How tournament will prompt devs to spend some time and to what? Oh how long distance between our points in understanding of vc-mp.
Newbies sure know how to hop in servers, and with time few of them would be here organizing similar matches and bumping alike topics just because they saw us playing in such matches. I am talking like that because I too was one of those newbies, bumped into CTF to see FullFilled killing me, players against each other with a purpose of winning and taking the flags and shit what not. For a start, they all made me RQ instantly but I sure came back and stayed with time. The game-mode was captivating in itself. You never can 100% guess what future has for us.

For a simple 20-year-old game like GTAVC, all the fun is in killing and... killing, the rest of the game modes get easily boring (except one server which I know of, deals with it smartly).
We still get newbies but it's becoming less with time. VC-MP imo is alive not because of newcomers but because the boomers like us stick to playing it because we don't want the memories to stop.

Anyway, I support this idea of the team tournament as they are much easier than clan tournies. I will be ready to take part in the organization.
Glad to hear that!

Newbies won't stay for long if they don't see others playing in actual competitive matches and stick together to stuff. Most of the player-count of VC:MP is based on DMers and to captivate their interests, such matches would prove impactful. The updates and active scripting lacks a sort of motivation as I see now, and seeing players taking interest in a new event would definitely prompt devs to spend some time.

General Discussion / Can a team tournament be organized in this era?
« on: July 22, 2023, 01:10:58 pm »
We all know VC:MP is not in the healthiest of states, with oldies going away and losing interest from the regular DM thats provided in the traditional servers. Why not though, as you wouldn't like to log on and see players not willing to shoot or play against you due to your reputation/history/skill. If that goes as it is, then it'd be worse.

The only thing in my view to somehow enjoy the last bits of VC:MP, is by reviving CTF. It being the server where oldies used to play, had competitive environment and memories would certainly attract them to play again. I am up for holding parties regularly from now on.

All I ask now is if there is any possibility for a tournament? What hurdles may be in this process? I believe that this act can revive VC:MP more than active scripting, pushing updates and fizing bugs as there would be actual quality players playing the game, having fun and enjoying it and the scripters/developers efforts won't go in vain.

If VC:MP needs a kick, let it be from our very own CTF.

Reports / Re: Syne + Dawdi + Kosomak - Discrimination/Religious abusing
« on: February 28, 2021, 09:05:39 am »
You can try hard defending them but the thing is everybody gets exhausted by everyday insults/provocations done by Syne/Dawdi and Lilzor was for sure irritated as he can't be resisting rubbish like that for long. No one can. Retards like them pollute chat and burnt out players like Lily lose patience and reply. Every server which these two KFs stepped in, had reports on them in many cases such as abusing someone's skin color, taking racist names based on shape or using someone's dead relatives and making fun of them!

The one defending them or sticking with them is exact same guilty and this is a game where religious talks stand no point as to why would one even use religious talks in a game and ruin the playercounts fun?

Suggestions / Re: Remove FPV?
« on: February 27, 2021, 07:32:59 am »
FPV is faster in shooting than both shooting while standing/shooting while crouching. It's become a norm and every person abuses it including us.
I hope we can get some clips about it.

Reports / Syne + Dawdi + Kosomak - Discrimination/Religious abusing
« on: February 26, 2021, 05:41:50 pm »
Player nickname/s: [KFt]Syne , [KF]Dawdi , Kosomak
Date: Today
Reason for reporting: Religious abusing/ Discrimination

Note: They have been discriminating Lilzor for his religion by accusing him. Most of the part was in Arabic so I chose to upload only the English offenses. If you guys want to investigate, you can always check logs from IRC. These kids have been provoking players in every server they stepped in with no limitations of provocations as they did today. They have gone too far now

Reports / Re: [RT]MasterOz - Close Range RPG usage (Again)
« on: February 07, 2021, 10:10:45 pm »
You know yourself that you came in the way, and I was shooting at firecum and skullcracker which were nearby your position. Also due to the lag in range recorded by script, and mine displacement towards your dead character's body made it a close range so all in all, it was unintentional.

Also, please mention that where did I do close range in the nearest time period, Thanks.

Suggestions / Cooldown on teleport Pickups
« on: February 04, 2021, 08:03:23 am »
It's quite irritating whenever you try to tp using a teleport pickup but due to no cooldown, you have high chances of teleporting back to the place instead. Adding a minimum of 3 seconds cooldown after interacting with a pickup would fix it.

Suggestions / Re: Remove FPV?
« on: February 02, 2021, 12:22:53 pm »
It ruins the gameplay of CTF. Easily abusable, creates real desync giving the FPV user unfair advantage.
Must be disallowed.

Clan Wars/Matches / Re: Wehshi Warriors vs Dadu Warriors
« on: January 28, 2021, 05:49:34 pm »
Nice nice

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