Admin Applications / < Accepted >MaddoX
« on: August 19, 2013, 12:12:06 am »
Current nickname: MaddoX / =TLK=MaddoX
Previous nicknames: [MKs]EthaN / [MK]EthaN / [MK]s[3]xZ ( Sorry, but I don't remember my other 1000 nicks )
What is your timezone? GMT-05:00 ( Ecuador )
How old are you? 17 years old.
Do you use IRC? Yes, I do.
Are you banned or have you ever been banned on any of the official servers? No.
What is your past experience administering a server? Avengers City Administrator, Xs Administrator, Xs Championship 2 Admin, Underworld Aventures Administrator, XE Administrator, XE Ladder Manager, Conquest Vanilla Manager.
How long have you been playing vcmp? 3 Years.
What languages can you speak fluently? English and Spanish.
Why do you want to join the staff team? Most of the time you can find several offenders, which basically are not hackers, I would like to help to control this type of people passing by unnoticed because sometimes I'm the only person who sees them breaking rules, besides, I have been present in this server for a long time and I would like to help in a more direct way.
Previous nicknames: [MKs]EthaN / [MK]EthaN / [MK]s[3]xZ ( Sorry, but I don't remember my other 1000 nicks )
What is your timezone? GMT-05:00 ( Ecuador )
How old are you? 17 years old.
Do you use IRC? Yes, I do.
Are you banned or have you ever been banned on any of the official servers? No.
What is your past experience administering a server? Avengers City Administrator, Xs Administrator, Xs Championship 2 Admin, Underworld Aventures Administrator, XE Administrator, XE Ladder Manager, Conquest Vanilla Manager.
How long have you been playing vcmp? 3 Years.
What languages can you speak fluently? English and Spanish.
Why do you want to join the staff team? Most of the time you can find several offenders, which basically are not hackers, I would like to help to control this type of people passing by unnoticed because sometimes I'm the only person who sees them breaking rules, besides, I have been present in this server for a long time and I would like to help in a more direct way.