[MK] Capture the Flag
Informative Section => Information => Topic started by: NewK on August 12, 2013, 02:35:16 am
The following is not allowed in the server:
- Rapid fire glitching
- Trainers/Hacks/Third party tools (Any program that provides you advantages over other players.)
- Sliding
- Death Evading (This includes typing /q, pausing or crashing intentionally while fighting to avoid being killed.)
- Command Abusing (Example: Typing /kill while fighting to avoid the server to recognize the killer who really murdered you.)
- Stats Padding (Letting a player kill you to obtain benefits, or viceversa.)
- Unlawful modifications (Modifications that give you special advantages.)
- Spamming/Flooding (Repeating the same words/phrases over and over.)
- Advertising (Persuading a player to join another server.)
- Impersonating (Joining the server with other people's nicknames (unless those nicknames are common person names, in that case this is only appliable for clan members impersonating).)
- Leaking accounts' information.
- Rocket Glitch (Fast-Switching by RocketLauncher is disallowed. You may only stand still and begin throwing rockets.)
- Using rockets in close range is not allowed. Within 24 meters, you are not allowed to use RPG.
- Capturing the flag and avoid dropping it on barrel intentionally (attempting to make a team lose)
- Joining a team and typing /kill repeatedly in order to make a team lose points on purpose.
- Using macros/keybindings to change weapon packs. (Binding the !changepack <1/2/3/4/5/6> command to a 3rd party macros software)
- Wallglitching from bugged locations is no longer allowed / Going into bugged/glitched places is no longer allowed.
- Making yourself lag (high ping) / lower your fps on purpose to capture the flag is STRICTLY prohibited.
- Molotov & Grenade glitch ( After shot crouch glitch which causes player model to slide with breaking some animations, making it almost impossible for opponent to hit)
- .asi or .cleo files
- Usage of Greenless/ no-grass modification is not allowed.
- Shooting in FPV mode is disallowed. (i.e. using the "target/aim" button usually RMB, which causes everyone else's screen to shake)
Failure to follow the rules will result in a kick from the server and in a few cases a ban or even permanent ban.[/list]
Rules have been updated and appropriated to VCMP 0.4 version.
Clarification about the "no rocket glitch" rule:
Using rockets in close range is not allowed. By close range, we mean shotgun range (<24m). However, it's important to note here that when the rpg user starts shooting the rockets from long range and his enemy runs to him and dies in the explosion, this is allowed. Because he didn't start shooting at close range, he started shooting at longe range. Here's an example of what I'm talking about: click (http://ctf.vc-mp.net/index.php?topic=545.0)
- Wallglitching from bugged locations is not longer allowed.
- Going into bugged/glitched places is not longer allowed.
Making yourself lag (high ping) / lower your fps on purpose to capture the flag is STRICTLY prohibited, this can result in a one week ban.
Molotov glitch - One of those glitches reproduced by Vietnam players, which causes player model to slide with breaking some animations, making it almost impossible for opponent to hit.
.asi files and .cleo files are no longer allowed on the server. The script will not ban you for it, but it will kick you, so just remove them and rejoin the server.
The reason for this is simple: Cheaters can rename their .asi/.cleo cheats to filenames of "clean" .asi/.cleo files and there is no viable way for the server to distinguish between a "clean" .asi/.cleo and a cheat .asi/.cleo other than checking for file size, but that too can be spoofed.
Molotov & Grenade glitch - ( After shot crouch glitch which causes player model to slide with breaking some animations, making it almost impossible for opponent to hit) is strongly prohibited.
This includes both after crouch glitch and vietnam slide glitch.
Molotov/ Grenade glitching is not allowed anymore. ( any kind of crouch glitching with molotov/ grenade )
Shooting in FPV mode is disallowed. When you press the 'target/aim' button, typically assigned RMB, it results in a screen shake for everyone else in the game.
After certain observations and careful examinations of the gameplay of various well known players, it has been observed that several of them have been using some cosmetic mods in game that are somehow giving them a huge unfair advantage against their opponents. Please remember that any kind of visual / cosmetic mod that gives you an unfair advantage against your opponent in any way, be it in terms of direct one on one combat or indirect stealth related long/short range combat, is STRICTLY DISALLOWED and is SEVERELY PUNISHABLE. The visual mods that are being specifically referred to are the mods like Greenless mod that looks something like this:
and the Glowy grenade mode with its AOE region visible that looks something like this:
Please note that regarding certain cheats/modifications it hasn't been explicitly stated till now that they are disallowed, especially the most recent ones like this Glowy grenade one, as the staff can practically not keep the track of the game 24/7, remain updated regarding any new cheat/mod that shows up all of a sudden, then make amendments to the rules, and update the players & the community regarding it accordingly, that's why a general rule, that is about all such modifications, exists here since years and it refers to each and every type of such modifications. It is:
Hence it is the responsibility of the players, especially old and veteran ones, to make sure that they don't use such modifications (knowing that they give them unfair advantage) only because they are not explicitly disallowed by the Staff currently. Also, considering that there is no way (yet) to detect such modification by the Staff unless otherwise recorded by the particular player(s) themselves, any confirmed instance of it's usage shall result in severe punishments like long duration server bans. We hope this clears out everything.