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CTF's Changelog

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> RPG pack bug has been fixed. Multiple people were allowed to take Pack 4 and it was continuously being abused by the players. We've just made a quick fix, solely one player will be able to take Pack 4 from now on.

> RPG pack ban has been implemented in the server for the members of staff to prohibit the usage of it for the close range users.

> /ac command has been added in the server for the staff members to converse privately while being in the server.

> 2 more IRC bots are added to prevent the server from disconnecting them for too much IRC spam.

> Alias command has been fixed now.


> Team balancer has been added in the server (/autobalance on/off).


> Added a check on player flag capture system. Now the skin with attached flag will only be assigned if the player isn't knocked or getting up from the ground.
> Default round duration has been changed to 10 minutes now instead of 15.


New things:

* Added referee level ingame.
* Added a basic anti spam system, this will suppress messages that are typed too fast.
* Added player count to the web echo.Changes/Fixes

* Event - Fixed /pause and /unpause not working on players who are on the spawn screen and players who join the server while a round is paused.
* Autobalance - Made some adjustments to prevent script from assigning players to incorrect team when autobalance is on.
* Changed the GUI scores to update more frequently, now it will update every 5 kills that happen or when a flag is dropped on the barrel, if none of these things happen in the past 20 seconds, the scores will also update.
* Changed the spectate system to follow the player who killed the player you are currently spectating, if you are spectating Player A, and Player B kills Player A, the server will switch you to now spectate Player B, this way you can follow the action which is good when spectating tournament matches. If you dont want the server to switch to the killer automatically you can use "/autospec off."


* /rwep and /resetpack can now be used while a round is in progress
* Weapon packs for all players are now reset at the end of the round. This means at the end of the round, the server will change your weapon pack to the default pack. This is to prevent players from monopolizing certain limited packs for extended periods of time, which prevented other players from choosing them
* Fixed a bug which happened under some occasions where the server allowed multiple people from the same team to take the RPG pack


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