Informative Section > Information

Server Rules

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Molotov glitch - One of those glitches reproduced by Vietnam players, which causes player model to slide with breaking some animations, making it almost impossible for opponent to hit.

.asi files and .cleo files are no longer allowed on the server. The script will not ban you for it, but it will kick you, so just remove them and rejoin the server.

The reason for this is simple:  Cheaters can rename their .asi/.cleo cheats to filenames of  "clean" .asi/.cleo files and there is no viable way for the server to distinguish between a "clean" .asi/.cleo and a cheat .asi/.cleo other than checking for file size, but that too can be spoofed.

Molotov & Grenade glitch - ( After shot crouch glitch which causes player model to slide with breaking some animations, making it almost impossible for opponent to hit) is strongly prohibited.

This includes both after crouch glitch and vietnam slide glitch.

Molotov/ Grenade glitching is not allowed anymore. ( any kind of crouch glitching with molotov/ grenade )

Shooting in FPV mode is disallowed. When you press the 'target/aim' button, typically assigned RMB, it results in a screen shake for everyone else in the game.


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