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Topics - Radeon

Pages: [1]
Admin Applications / <denied>Radeon - Staff Application
« on: September 24, 2013, 12:09:10 am »
Current nickname: Radeon

Previous nicknames: Nazz, Chenny, tomijaja, pickt0, Psychi,Waza, Stallin, etc.. etc..

What is your timezone?: GMT -2 ~ UTC -5

How old are you?: I'm 11 years old

Do you use IRC?: Yes i do

Are you banned or have you ever been banned on any of the official servers? Well i was banned many times in XE, not at all but by MaddoX xD but i made an unban application so now i'm unbanned.

What is your past experience administering a server?: Well currently i'm Manager and Scripter in a community called "VS" (Vice Streets), i was moderating Modern City RP + Jupiter Roleplay in SA:MP, i was Manager (lvl 8) in Killers Online, i was moderating a little server called 'La primera guerra' and GangCity Developer + Scripter. Fun City Administrator (known as old mega war).

How long have you been playing vcmp?: Two years, well not at all, i was kinda inactive in 2011 and i didn't play so much at that year, in 2012 i returned.

What languages can you speak fluently?: English & Spanish

Why do you want to join the staff team?: Basically the server looks cool, as many know i was kinda inactive but i'm back and i'd like to moderate this server by reporting players and being active, there are many staff members which have been my friends a lot of time, such as MaddoX and Nexus, and would be awesome work with them.

Well currently:

- I'm working on my reputation
- I improved my english and on my reputation too.

Admin Applications / < Denied > Radeon's App
« on: August 14, 2013, 12:42:44 am »
Current nickname: Radeon

Previous nicknames: Tomijaja, Stallin, Nazz, Chenny, etc.

What is your timezone?: i think, GMT -2

How old are you?: i'm 11 years old.

Do you use IRC?: Yea i'm on #MK.CTF all the time that i can.

Are you banned or have you ever been banned on any of the official servers?: yes i was banned.

What is your past experience administering a server?: I'm an administrator of a roleplay server in SA:MP, i'm a Killers Online Head Manager & Gang City Scripter & Developer. TZK Webmaster.

How long have you been playing vcmp?: 2011 - 2 years.

What languages can you speak fluently?: English and Spanish

Why do you want to join the staff team?: Firstly i would like join the staff to get more communication in the server and to help it because the server hasn't so much users per day. Secondly, Nexus my friend is in the staff team and would be awesome work with him, as many know, i'm active on IRC like some MK Members because the servers is important for me.

General Discussion / Nice forum
« on: August 14, 2013, 12:34:58 am »
Great job nilz ;D and i have some suggestion about it.

- In the CPanel, make a new menu called "CTF" and a submenu with 2 times calleds IRC and Player Stats.

This is easy to do, i did it in a lot of forums, if all you have some inconvenient tell me.

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