Capture The Flag > Suggestions



Heya guys.
So i don't where to post this but what about adding shoutbox as forum and server is being more popular and it would be good and interesting.  ;)
EDIT: And that bar or w/e which shows how many players are currently online in server like UA server's forum had, don't mind ;D

Portal maybe?


--- Quote from: Revolver on August 08, 2015, 07:59:47 pm ---Portal maybe?

--- End quote ---
Yea portal by which we can see  recent posts without clicking "Recent posts on forum", shoutbox, server stats (players currently online in sever), gallery etc. 

I tought about installing simple portal but I think people would just end up ignoring the forum itself and only follow the "Recent topics" section. It would look a bit weird in a server forum in my opinion. Simple portal seems to work better for clan forums.

Alright, thanks


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