Capture The Flag > Suggestions

Fix the CTF Autobalance ffs

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The topic says it all. Fix the autobalancer or remove it! It's not fun anymore with this bugged up script destroying our time meant to have fun.
We come here for fun but get what? A team overpowering another after every 5 minutes of casual gameplay?
If you want detailed info, not only me but many players will give it but please do us one last favor, fix this gay shit!


--- Quote from: NewK on December 03, 2020, 12:29:41 pm ---After looking at the script and doing more tests, I was able to reproduce the "issue", and I can conclude this report is yet another case of someone who does not understand how the autobalance works. Your screenshot doesn't really prove anything. Because you're using the F5 scoreboard to look at players but you dont know if they're actually spawned. You say there's 5 players on the red team but they're not all spawned.

The autobalance system only takes spawned players into account. You should have used the /splayers cmd to get the number of spawned players of each team.

If I change the system to count unspawned players aswell, then every time some idiot looks at the F5 scoreboard, it will look balanced, but in reality, it won't be balanced at all. Because some players are just AFK on the spawnscreen or are just spectating.

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--- Quote from: NewK on December 04, 2020, 11:07:56 am ---
Players who claim there is a bug are usually either:

- Using the F5 scoreboard to compare the number of players in each team (which doesn't show if players are spawned)
- Or think the server will assign already spawned players to a different team when players leave the server

Not sure how many more times I have to explain this to people...

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I'll try to analyze how the autobalancer works, as they said that the autobalancer works in proper way, by calculating the /splayers (spawned players) it supposed to be like if there's 5 players spawned as red team, and 3 players spawned at blue team, there will be an script that assign you to the blue team because its unbalanced
if we use our heads its simply as that
but the problem appears when both teams are balanced at the start of the round, because the round doesn't starts if balancer is ON and teams are unbalanced.

When multiple players from a team dies, the server doesnt count those players as spawned players, so sometimes, it switchs automatically to the team which has less players. Sometimes it happens twice a time, at the same time, which means that sometimes many players are assigned at the same time to the same team
this provokes a unbalanced team
and 1 of those teams will always have counterless, this situation makes that those players which are on the team with less players, spawn always at the same team, and those who doesnt die on the opposite team will stay until the counter of the match is not equal
for example: (START OF THE ROUND)
and that player from the red team who's near to die.
what happend next? that red one will spawn as blue because its outnumbered, and those blues will continue spawning at blue
the following situation is when those reds who now they are 4 and blues are 6, if those reds can kill 2 players, its fine, because autobalancer will try to mix the players again with both counter on 4
if they not, blue team will be always unbalanced . If red team gets 3 kills, and unfortunately 1 red die at the same time of those blues,
the red one will spawn as blue and it will be 7v3
There's no way to fix the unbalanced players when its based on spawned players
There always will be a problem with the counter if they are DEAD because they are not spawned
If 3 players die, you can't balance 7 players, a problem will happen because its always 4v3
My suggestion is add something like XE did now. when you are not spawned your name appears as color black, that means that you can make an autobalancer by calculating the players that are NOT SPAWNED
How you supposed to do that? Calculate how teams are formed, that means using the same script as now, and which players are in order to spawn (black color). That means that when a player spawns, dont spawn on the team already assigned by the script, spawn on another world and when those 2 seconds or 1 second of cooldown, assign a team properly with the count at 0. it can help to avoid 2 players spawn at the same time to prevent that unbalanced situation

(c) [R3v]Gohan

I am aware of the described situation. That is not new information, once again, the autobalancer is working as intended.

And as I said before on my previous post, I'm not going to make an autobalance system completely based on unspawned players because someone who is AFK on the spawn screen will completely disrupt the balancing, 1 single malicious (or even non-malicious) player would ruin the balancer for all players, sure it would look balanced for players who just look at the scoreboard, so everyone would be happy, but it wouldn't be balanced at all due to AFK players. The goal here is not to simply make an auto balanced that "works" but also one that wouldn't be easily manipulated by malicious players.

I'm also not going to add any delays to the spawning process as that would cut down on the action. I have been looking into maybe making the autbalance consider players who spawned in the last 20/30 seconds as players who are "spawned" and take them into account when its counting for players on each team. It would make it harder for a malicious player to manipulate the balancer, and would solve many of the "issues" that happen when the script assigns players to teams. Needs some more consideration and analysis though.

I also find something wrong with the auto balancer, it works just fine at preparing/ initializing round process but then it fails to take care of balance afterwards. I don't have a video captured to demonstrate and help the case, but we literally had 8v4 situation and the script couldn't do anything.

How about we revert back to ctf 4.0's team balance system, Newk? As for away players on spawn screen, We can maybe switch their player class and team to Builders by script? I find it a perfect solution but not sure how would it go practically.


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