Capture The Flag > Suggestions

(Implemented) FPS Limit & Spawn Protection


Hello there, I would like to suggest 2 things that I think are needed in CTF.

-> First of all, adding an Fps limit.
Some players join out of the blue and they have fps in the range of 10-15, hardly reaching 20 fps. They start stealing the flags and it's literally impossible to take them down with frames they play on(and it becomes irritating), so perhaps having an fps kick system that kicks players who have fps less than 25 just like the jitter kick system would be nice.

-> And the second thing is adding spawn protection or some sort of rule atleast to avoid spawn killing, makes it annoying sometimes for players and you hardly can get out of the mayhem that is happening at the spawn caused by the opposing team (Nades/Rockets). Since the spawns in some bases are not too far from each other it gets all crowded and players die as soon as they spawn. So, having some solution for this will be nice perhaps a spawn protection that sets the player in another world for a few seconds and then sets him back in the main world would work imo.

That's all i have to suggest for now.
Thanks for reading, have a good day!

Hello Aegon,

Thank you for your time and input. I'd like to add about the fps limit suggestion that we do have it implemented but ...
--- Quote from: NewK on September 05, 2020, 10:37:43 pm ---it is disabled because VCMP's GUI library is still not optimized when font sizes are changed, which causes very small freezes sometimes.
--- End quote ---

Regarding the spawn protection, I remember suggesting it in the past but then we dropped the idea considering the current Multi-spawn point system, it's just that some more spawn points for the bases needs to be added. This would prevent the spawn-kill action i assume.

Thank you,


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