Capture The Flag > Admin Applications

< Accepted >CrackM4's App


Current nickname: MKs.CrackM4

Previous nicknames: LuAnVeEs^^

What is your timezone? GMT/UTC -7:00

How old are you? 16(in two months more 17)

Do you use IRC? Yes, (CrackM4)

Are you banned or have you ever been banned on any of the official servers? No.

What is your past experience administering a server? I'm currently moderator in Extreme Addicts, And admin in  others little servers.

How long have you been playing vcmp? Since 2011.

What languages can you speak fluently? Spanish, English

Why do you want to join the staff team? To help in all, and protect this server of Hackers/Cheaters, Spammers. etc. I have experience and i know the rules of Miami killers CTF.

With love. MKs.CrackM4

Gud Luck my boy ;)

Please be patient. CrackM4, Your application will be discussed. And will reply when we have come to a final decision.

~ Miami Killers CTF Staff ~

Gl :D ..

Accepted, level 3.


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