Capture The Flag > Admin Applications

< Accepted >Halchter - Application

(1/2) > >>

Current nickname:[MK]Halchter

Previous nicknames:Tehhole

What is your timezone? GMT +2

How old are you? 17

Do you use IRC? Yes

Are you banned or have you ever been banned on any of the official servers? No

What is your past experience administering a server? I'm currently admin in UA and I was admin in a few SA-MP and other games servers.

How long have you been playing vcmp? I'm playing VCMP since 2008 with a very big break.

What languages can you speak fluently? English and Bulgarian

Why do you want to join the staff team? I want to fill part of my free time and activity in helping the server, as much as possible.

As far as attitude goes, I think you have the right qualities, you stay calm and you behave maturely. Your english is also easy to understand and you helped test the server. I'll vote Level 3 - Moderator.

Your application is currently being discussed, be patient :]

I vote Moderator too. Good luck Halchter.


--- Quote from: R on August 14, 2013, 06:53:30 pm ---I vote Moderator too. Good luck Halchter.

--- End quote ---

Thank you, but as I know the application is being discussed privately.


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