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Messages - thearcher

Pages: [1]
Reports / Re: [RT]Zeex & =F2=Killer_Frost CR CONSTANTLY
« on: October 14, 2023, 08:47:49 pm »

Clan Wars/Matches / Re: LT vs RK
« on: July 28, 2020, 10:44:42 am »
Sure, we'll give it another try after the recent events end(VCDC).  :D

Clan Wars/Matches / Re: LT vs RK
« on: July 26, 2020, 11:11:52 am »
Seems interesting that all other matches never had any issues but this one did. Something here obviously was done differently.

Please describe what happened in detail.
The timer was bugged. Ask ELK for further more, I don't know much.

Also if you can fix it, we can have war any other day?

Clan Wars/Matches / LT vs RK
« on: July 18, 2020, 04:05:07 pm »
Hello, people.I'm here requesting for a separate private CTF server for the match of LT(gang) vs RK(clan).

The server in this scenario:

- 500 ping limit.
- 20 FPS limit.
- 6 v 6
-Bases: 24/7 tools, Pizza vs Jewelry, Green Garden, Malibu
- Rounds: 6, each 8/10 minute.
- and server rules.

If possible, we want the server before 25th because the war is decided to be held on 25th.

Thank you!

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