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Messages - MasterOz

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 7
Suggestions / Re: Fix the CTF Autobalance ffs
« on: January 28, 2021, 05:49:01 pm »
While you try to find the perfect auto-balancer, please implement the one of similar structure as of TDW or EAD has so that this server doesn't dies again soon. Atleast those balancers don't fuck up as much as the current one of CTF does.
EAD and CTF are different gamemodes, there is constant respawn in CTF whereas that is not true for EAD.
Is TDW also unlike CTF?

Clan Wars/Matches / Re: Wehshi Warriors vs Dadu Warriors
« on: January 28, 2021, 01:48:48 pm »
Spectators allowed?

Suggestions / Re: Fix the CTF Autobalance ffs
« on: January 28, 2021, 12:31:38 pm »
While you try to find the perfect auto-balancer, please implement the one of similar structure as of TDW or EAD has so that this server doesn't dies again soon. Atleast those balancers don't fuck up as much as the current one of CTF does.

Suggestions / Re: Fix the CTF Autobalance ffs
« on: January 24, 2021, 06:24:11 pm »
I'll try to analyze how the autobalancer works, as they said that the autobalancer works in proper way, by calculating the /splayers (spawned players) it supposed to be like if there's 5 players spawned as red team, and 3 players spawned at blue team, there will be an script that assign you to the blue team because its unbalanced
if we use our heads its simply as that
but the problem appears when both teams are balanced at the start of the round, because the round doesn't starts if balancer is ON and teams are unbalanced.

When multiple players from a team dies, the server doesnt count those players as spawned players, so sometimes, it switchs automatically to the team which has less players. Sometimes it happens twice a time, at the same time, which means that sometimes many players are assigned at the same time to the same team
this provokes a unbalanced team
and 1 of those teams will always have counterless, this situation makes that those players which are on the team with less players, spawn always at the same team, and those who doesnt die on the opposite team will stay until the counter of the match is not equal
for example: (START OF THE ROUND)

and that player from the red team who's near to die.
what happend next? that red one will spawn as blue because its outnumbered, and those blues will continue spawning at blue
the following situation is when those reds who now they are 4 and blues are 6, if those reds can kill 2 players, its fine, because autobalancer will try to mix the players again with both counter on 4
if they not, blue team will be always unbalanced . If red team gets 3 kills, and unfortunately 1 red die at the same time of those blues,
the red one will spawn as blue and it will be 7v3
There's no way to fix the unbalanced players when its based on spawned players
There always will be a problem with the counter if they are DEAD because they are not spawned
If 3 players die, you can't balance 7 players, a problem will happen because its always 4v3
My suggestion is add something like XE did now. when you are not spawned your name appears as color black, that means that you can make an autobalancer by calculating the players that are NOT SPAWNED
How you supposed to do that? Calculate how teams are formed, that means using the same script as now, and which players are in order to spawn (black color). That means that when a player spawns, dont spawn on the team already assigned by the script, spawn on another world and when those 2 seconds or 1 second of cooldown, assign a team properly with the count at 0. it can help to avoid 2 players spawn at the same time to prevent that unbalanced situation

(c) [R3v]Gohan

Clan Wars/Matches / Re: Wehshi Warriors vs The Unknowns
« on: January 22, 2021, 06:26:49 pm »
Heck of a match ! GG!

Suggestions / Fix the CTF Autobalance ffs
« on: January 21, 2021, 05:22:13 pm »
The topic says it all. Fix the autobalancer or remove it! It's not fun anymore with this bugged up script destroying our time meant to have fun.
We come here for fun but get what? A team overpowering another after every 5 minutes of casual gameplay?
If you want detailed info, not only me but many players will give it but please do us one last favor, fix this gay shit!

Admin Reports / Re: [MK]Haltcher ignoring reports (2)
« on: October 07, 2020, 01:36:54 pm »
You have quoted some messages which were made out of rage and some which I wrote because of what I observed.

TBH, you keep on losing sanity along with time spent in VC:MP in a continous manner that's why I said some words in order to bring balance. Here, halchter was not wrong as the server auto-balancer was probably turned on, although bugged but still it was enabled.

There are also not so many players who like to balance and continue hoping from one to another team in this regard that's why often one teams gets over-powered and dominates due to less players on the other. Also, no one likes to switch to a team that's being brutally dominated. 

Support / Transfer - Masteroz
« on: September 25, 2020, 06:50:52 pm »
Old Nick : MasterOz
New Nick : [RT]MasterOz
Reason : Joined RT!

Reports / Re: Masteroz multiple close range.
« on: September 19, 2020, 08:38:08 am »
Ok So,
You can see in the first CR video that frailyv came into me and prolly my aim was above 20-30 metres also upon getting explosive damage he was also pushed towards me.

CR2 video shows that my aim was closely near fraily and I think,i mean i know that was a wrong range done by me. 

Support / Transfer Application
« on: August 30, 2020, 11:51:59 am »
Old Nick : =CFr=MasterOz
New Nick : MasterOz
Reason : Left CF.

Support / Transfer Nickname / Tag - MasterOz
« on: August 17, 2020, 08:45:34 pm »
Old tag = CFr.MasterOz
New tag = =CFr=MasterOz
Reason : Tired of switching between "." and "=" as I have the nick =CFr=MasterOz in most of the servers and I have to change minor things for this server and that doesn't get well with me.

Support / Transfer - Masteroz
« on: August 01, 2020, 05:56:04 am »
Old Nick : CFt.masteroz.LT
New nick : CFr.MasterOz
Reason : Promotion

Suggestions / Re: drop flag suggestion!
« on: July 25, 2020, 07:58:00 pm »
Its preferred the way it is. More complexity would ruin the fun.

Clan Wars/Matches / Re: LT vs RK
« on: July 25, 2020, 04:30:04 pm »
Thanks for the bugs. We lost all the free time and didn't enjoy a single bit.

Clan Wars/Matches / Re: LT vs RK
« on: July 23, 2020, 05:35:21 pm »
   Rules :
  • Pack 4 is allowed only for 1 player per team.
  • Pack 3 and 2 are allowed for 2 players from each team.For the rest of the packs,there is no limit.
  • All the server rules will be implemented also the range for RPG will be 25m.
  • Anyone found using RPG in close range will be instantly kicked after only 1 warn. If not taken action quickly,the team(offended by RPG short range)
    should have the right to even stop the round/replay base.
  • In case of a tie(LT 3 - 3 RK),a tiebreaker will be played. Base will be choosen on both teams approval.

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